The end is in sight for the installation of my new Fireball Decals. The headbox was completed a few weeks ago. The right side was completed last week and now this week, it’s time to knock the left side over. This includes a new side rail to finish the cabinet off nicely. The left side decal was in a similar condition to the right with the colours badly faded. The condition of the cabinet was better though and less damage to patch up.
All posts tagged T-moulding
Here I was thinking I would not get to look at finishing the Fireball Classic decals until the new year. Railways pulled off an amazing Christmas Miracle and managed to get a new custom set of side rails delivered just before Xmas day. No reason to delay, I wanted to get the side art completed ASAP. This update will cover the right side and the final update (part 4) will cover the progress on the left side. The new side rails fit perfectly and the button could now sit correctly.
Small update – order arrived today with 40ft of white + a slot cutter and arbor piece. These cutters are cheap when buying from the states ($18) compared with locally ($38+). Order tmolding at the same time as a cutter to combine postage is a good way to save some money 🙂
I added the red t molding tonight:
Now it’s onto the wiring 🙂
My search for T Molding was fairly simple. There are a number of places here in Australia that sell it. Most online arcade shops have some available – it all depends on the thickness, colour and texture you are after.
My first purchase was from GameDude, which had the Galaxian Green I was wanting for my cab. This was priced at $12.50 per 10 feet. I thought this was ok. But I have since discovered which has an awesome selection, and is even cheaper (despite being located in the states). For the same Galaxian green, I was able to purchase 20 feet for $10US (roughly $11AU). When postage was added, I was up for $20.78AU for the 20 feet (compared with close to $30 from GameDude). is well worth checking out when you are looking for t-molding for your arcade cabinet. The only real drawbacks I found was you are forced to purchase in increments of 20 feet and maybe have an extra few days to wait.