When my Black Knight arrived, I wondered how long the shield would last before issues kicked in. It’s a part of the machine that takes a real beating during play, so I’d expect it to wear out over time. I didn’t expect to experience issues on the second night of owning the game however. Part way through a game, I noticed the shield was no longer sitting correctly and was now on an angle.
All posts for the month June, 2019
For quite awhile now, I’ve been toying with the idea of doing my own home brew pinball project. The idea first crossed my mind around 4 years ago, but I didn’t give it much time. Thoughts about doing it came again and again since that time, each being stronger than the last. But again I had always pushed it off as building a machine from scratch is more work than I was willing to do. It was more work than I could even get my head around. What about extending something that already exists though? Now that was something I could start getting my head around. Enter Bride of Pinbot 2.0. Owning a BoP 2.0 allowed me to see just what was possible with extending an existing game and how it all hooked up hardware wise. I was impressed with what a platform like P-ROC could do and the fact it was all reversible, means the game can be switched back to stock configuration again. I don’t have a large collection of machines that I could choose from in order to do this project, but there was one in my line up that stood out the most. Pinbot.