The work on my Bally Mariner is coming to a end. Since my last update, I’ve had the chance to play quite a few games on it and the machine has been holding up really well. Mariner has been very reliable and no issues have come up. There are just a few last things to do and then I’m done. First item on the agenda for this update is sorting out the relay coil for the up post. This one spends a lot of its time energised and as such was showing strong signs of stress. A new coil was purchased to replace it.
All posts tagged Mushroom
It’s Mariner update time again and this for this post I’ll be starting out with some small stuff and then moving onto larger, more interesting things. I’m really looking forward to getting the machine into a state where it’s read for play. That’s still a little while off yet, but I am getting there 🙂 To begin this update, I wanted to look at the two small roll over buttons in the lower third of the playfield. These two buttons control the post down feature.
Fireball Classic has 3 mushroom bumpers on the play field. These are small ‘passive’ pop bumpers. No coil attached, and are simply hooked up to a switch below the play field. The yellow cap sits just high enough so the ball gets under it and lifts it up. That causes the switch below the play field to close. I had never seen them before, so was curious to pull one a part to see what it was made up of. Plus, there was one missing on my play field, so was going to have to track the parts down.