My third sample with the Corona SDK is something I called the Colour Canvas.
All posts tagged Corona
The second entry into my corona samples is another traditional demo effect – the Starfield.
To kick start my Corona Samples is a port of an old demo effect – a traditional plasma.
For the last month I have been playing with the Corona SDK for iPhone and Android mobile development. After spending a few weeks (before that) looking at different SDKs and engines for the iPhone and Android, I decided to push ahead with Corona and see what I can come up with. What I love about Corona is it’s lua based – which is something I’m familiar and comfortable with.
The goal at this stage is to develop my own game for a portable device. Since I am getting to grips with the Corona SDK, I have decided to put together a number of samples along the way, to help get myself into the SDK. As I go, I will post up source available for download. Some of it you will find useful, some you will wonder why I bothered – but at the end of the day, I’d like to learn as much as I can about it and will share as I go.
I’ll leave it at that for now – but for more information on Corona, you can can visit their website here: