Another successful night tonight. After 4 months of planning, designing, purchasing, and finally building, the cab was powered on with the game board attached. It was a great moment to see… the image upside down.. 🙁
Lucky flicking dip switch one, fixes it right up. Ms. Pac Man running in demo mode, with the speaker blaring. Will need to adjust the volume tomorrow night.
A quick picture of the game board attached to the panel, along with the test and service switches. The third switch is the Player 1 button 3. This was added incase needed for any setup.
Final image is the completed control panel. This has come up great. and feels fantastic under hand.
A final coat was added to the side panels tonight also. Tomorrow night should see the control panel hooked up and installed, the marquee art added and installed and some wire tidy up inside. That will leave just the side panel artwork, kick plate artwork and t molding. So close now 🙂 🙂